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来源:蓝海中心  日期:2021.04.03 人气:6975 














一般来说,承约必须在要约仍生效及未被撤回时传达给要约人并为其所获悉,方为有效。但也有例外情况,当受要约人以邮递方式接受要求,而该方式又是合理或为双方所接受时,承约便在承约文件寄出时生效(the posting rule),即使邮件有延误或遗失,亦不影响合约的成立。另一种例外情况涉及一些单边合约(unilateral contract),此类情况要求要约人以明示或默示的方法表示,受要约人可以用履行合约的方式(performance)来表示承约,而无须事前通知要约人或向他作出任何承诺。











①  即使受到约因支持,若立约各方没有建立法律关系的意向,协议并不形成具有约束力的合约;

②  在一般的商业交易中,立约各方有建立法律关系的意向,通常是显而易见的,无须特别证据证明;如果有一方主张立约各方没有建立法律关系的意向,他负有举证责任,且举证门槛是较高的;

③  法院会考虑客观事实(而非据称的主观意向),以判断是否有成立法律关系的意向[14];

④  如各方已就合约的必要条款达成协议(例如在租赁协议中,各方已就立约方的身份、租赁土地、租赁起始日、租赁期及租金等条款达成协议),这可以暗示各方有建立法律关系的意向;

⑤  如任何一方已履行部分协议条款,这通常是显示立约各方有建立法律关系意向的清晰证明[15]。



[1] Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第115.021段
[2] 《香港特别行政区基本法》第8条 香港原有法律,即普通法、衡平法、条例、附属立法和习惯法,除同本法相抵触或经香港特别行政区的立法机关作出修改者外,予以保留。
第18条 在香港特别行政区实行的法律为本法以及本法第八条规定的香港原有法律和香港特别行政区立法机关制定的法律。
第84条 香港特别行政区法院依照本法第18条所规定的适用于香港特别行政区的法律审判案件,其他普通法适用地区的司法判例可做参考。
[3] Lam Wing Him T/A Core Interior Design Consultant Co诉 Au Wa Po and Another T/A Asterphen (International) Co DCCJ 2277/2007
[4] 见Treitel The Law of Contract (7th Edition) 第7页: "An offer is an e­xpression of willingness to contract on certain terms made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed."
[5] 见Lam Wing Him T/A Core Interior Design Consultant Co 诉 Au Wa Po and Another T/A Asterphen (International) Co 第11段
[6] 见To Pui Kui And Another v Hultucktong Commercial & Industrial Co Ltd And Others [2016] HKCFI 15 第72段
[7] 本文不对契约(契据)(deed)作特别讨论
[8] 见Currie v Misa (1874-75) LR 10 Ex 153 at 162: "A valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, may consist in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered, or undertaken by the other."
[9] 见Ling Dai Hong v 汪裕祖 [2012] HKCFI 466 第92段:"It is trite that mutual promises are consideration for each other."
[10] 见Chitty on Contracts (33rd Edition) 4-009: "Some difficulty has been felt in explaining the rule that mutual promises can be consideration for each other. ... Probably the reason for the rule is simpler. A person who makes a commercial promise expects to have to perform it (and is in fact under considerable pressure to do so). Correspondingly, one who receives such a promise expects it to be kept. These expectations, which can exist even where the promise is not legally enforceable, are based on commercial morality, and can properly be called a detriment and a benefit; hence they satisfy the requirement of consideration in the case of mutual promises."
[11] 香港终审法院在在New World Development Co Ltd and Another v Sun Hung Kai Securities Ltd(2006) 9 HKCFAR 403一案的判决书中,曾引用另一英国案例G Scammell & Nephew Ltd v Ouston [1941] AC 251及Hillas & Co Ltd v Arcos Ltd (1932) 43 Ll L Rep 359的判决。
见第31段:"Similarly, an agreement may be held to fail for uncertainty. This is where the parties have expressed themselves in language that is too uncertain, vague or unintelligible to make their agreement legally enforceable ... [The Court will hold that there is no contract where] the language used was so obscure and so incapable of any definite or precise meaning that the court is unable to attribute to the parties any particular contractual intention."
见第31段:"[T]he court will do its best, if satisfied that there was an ascertainable and determinate intention to contract, to give effect to that intention, looking at substance and not mere form. ... the test of intention is to be found in the words used."
[12] Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad [1989] 1 WLR 379
[13] The World Food Fair Ltd and Another v Hong Kong Island Development Ltd [2005] 1 HKC 594
[14] 见Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad 383D-G: "(i) An agreement, even though it is supported by consideration, is not binding as a contract if it was made without any intention of creating legal relations. (ii) In the case of an ordinary commercial transaction it is not normally necessary to prove that the parties in fact intended to create legal relations: the onus of proving that there was no such intention "is on the party who asserts that no legal effect was intended, and the onus is a heavy one" ... (iii) To decide whether legal effect was intended, the courts normally apply an objective test."

[15] 见The World Food Fair Ltd and Another v Hong Kong Island Development Ltd 第6段:"(1) Agreement on essential terms may indicate that a legally binding contract was intended. In the context of a lease, it may generally be said that such terms include the identity of the parties, the identity of the premises, the commencement and duration of the lease and the rent payable. ... (2) Another indication that the parties intended to contract with one another is if there has been some performance, even partially, of the contract or in furtherance of it. In many ways, this is often the clearest indication of an intention to contract. ..."






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