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来源:临时仲裁ADA 张振安 日期:2019.03.13 人气:318 

2019年2月18日,在CL v SCG [2019] HKCFI 398一案中,当事双方就向法院提交的仲裁裁决强制执行请求是否已过时效的问题发生争议,香港法院对此作出认定:

根据《时效条例》第4(1)(c)条规定,当一方当事人请求对方履行仲裁裁决,对方违反该付款义务时,本案诉讼因由既已产生;而相关当事人却在诉因产生后超过6年方向香港法院请求强制执行该仲裁裁决,故其请求已过诉讼时效(“By the plain reading and operation of section 4 (1) (c) of the ordinance, the cause of action accrued to CL to enforce the Award in Hong Kong when SCG acted in breach of its obligation to make payment under the Award, and became time-barred after the expiration of 6 years.”)。


2004年3月3日,SCG与CL签订了一份销售运输合同,并约定了仲裁条款。后双方发生争议,CL于2005年2月23日将争议提交至香港国际仲裁中心(Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre,以下简称“HKIAC”)。2006年12月14日和2011年2月17日,仲裁庭依次作出两份裁决,命令SCG尽快向CL支付相关赔偿和费用。



2018年2月6日,CL又向香港法院提出仲裁裁决执行申请。2018年2月12日,香港发布命令准予了CL的申请。2018年6月6日,SCG向法院请求撤销该命令,理由是根据香港《时效条例》(LimitationOrdinance)第4(1)(c)条规定,上述申请已过诉讼时效。2018年年7月24日,时效问题(question of limitation)并法院认定为预先问题(preliminary issue)进行审理。


根据香港《时效条例》第4(1)(c)条规定:以下诉讼,于诉讼因由产生的日期起计满6年后,不得提出——(c)强制执行某项裁决的诉讼(如有关的原受仲裁协议并非藉经盖印的文书作出者)(“The following actions shall not be brought after the expiration of 6 years from the date on which the cause of action accrued, that is to say –(c) actions to enforce an award, where the submission is not by an instrument under seal.”)。根据第2(1)条的条文解释,该条中的“诉讼”(action)包括“在法院进行的任何诉讼”(“any proceedings in a court of law”)。

本案的争议焦点为:本案诉因(the cause of action)产生的具体日期该如何认定?

作为仲裁被申请人,SCG主张,考虑到其履行付款义务的合理期间(reasonable period),本案的诉讼时效应当从仲裁裁决作出3个月后开始起算,即2011年5月17日,因此仲裁裁决执行请求在2017年5月18日就已过时效——在2018年2月6日CL实际提出强制执行以前(“On behalf of SCG, it was argued that the limitation period commenced from 17 May 2011, 3 months from the date of the Award, which SCG argued was a reasonable time for SCG to pay and honour the Award, such that the limitation period would have expired on 18 May 2017 - prior to the application for enforcement made on 6 February 2018.”)。或者,SCG还主张,当CL向深圳中院请求强制执行时,本案诉因产生,即诉讼时效自2011年7月8日,此种情况CL也超过了时效(“Alternatively, SCG argued that the latest time for the cause of action to accrue was 8 July 2011, when CL applied to the Shenzhen Court for enforcement of the Award, in which case the limitation period would have expired on 9 July 2017.”)。

作为仲裁申请人,也是本案强制执行申请人,CL则对本案时效起算时间提出不同主张,认为虽然CL自2011年3月就开始请求SCG履行付款义务,但对方并未作出任何关于其责任和义务的答复;因此本案时效应从2012年3月11日,也就是SCG在深圳中院诉讼程序中明确表示不受仲裁裁决约束之日起开始计算(“Despite demands having been made by CL for payment under the Award on 18 March 2011 and 31 March 2011, and payment not forthcoming, counsel argued that no inference can be made from SCG’s lack of response as to whether it was disputing the Award and its liability and obligations thereunder. It was only on 11 March 2012, when SCG opposed CL’s application for enforcement by disputing the tribunal’s jurisdiction to make the Award, that SCG indicated “aclear intention not to be bound” by the Award. Only then, counsel argued, did the cause of action for enforcement accrue.”)。

对此,香港高等法院法官明确表示不认同CL的上述观点,即只有当作为债务人的SCG明确表示不受仲裁裁决付款义务约束,诉因才因此产生(“I cannot accept the argument that the cause of action only accrues when SCG as debtor demonstrates a clear and unequivocal intention not to be bound by the Award and its obligations under the Award.”)。如果按照这一思路进行认定,那么作为债务人一方可通过对是否履行仲裁裁决付款义务一直持有模棱两可的态度,以无限期拖延债权人诉至法院的期限(“that will mean that as debtor, SCG can indefinitely defer and postpone the accrual of its creditor’s cause of action, and delay its right to enforce the debt due under the Award,by expressing an equivocal stance as to whether or not it would honour the Award and its obligation to make payment.”)。法院还援引了英国上诉法官在International Bulk Shippingand Services Ltd v Minerals and Metals Trading Corp of India [1996] 1 All ER1017一案的观点,即6年时效自请求人有权执行裁决时开始起算(“that the six-year limitation period began whenever the claimants became entitled to enforce the awards.”)。

据此,法院认定,在仲裁申请人CL请求SCG履行付款义务之日起21天后(实际能完成付款的合理期限),即2011年4月8日起,CL即有权向法院请求仲裁裁决强制执行,故改日应当是诉因产生之日,于2017年4月8日超过6年诉讼时效(“One month after the publication of the Award, demand for immediate payment was made by CL’s solicitors on 18 March 2011. On the facts of this case, a reasonable time for payment lapsed at the latest by 8 April 2011, 21 days after the date of the demand for payment. This takes into consideration the fact that the Award ordered payment “forthwith”, and the fact that SCG is a Mainland company and the demand was made for payment to be made to a bank account in Hong Kong.The six-year limitation expired on 8 April 2017.”),而CL却在2018年2月6日向香港法院提出强制执行申请,故已过6年诉讼时效。

此外,CL还主张内地法院诉讼程序中断了诉讼时效的计算,即法院在认定本案仲裁裁决时效问题时,还应考虑内地深圳中院以及广东高院的诉讼程序。因为根据《关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的安排》(以下简称“《安排》”)第2条规定,申请人不得同时向内地和香港的法院提出仲裁裁决强制执行的申请。在本案中,CL在内地法院的诉讼程序直至2016年3月1日方才正式结束,在此期间,根据《安排》第2条,其不能再向香港法院提出执行申请,所以应当认定诉讼时效在此期间中断(“CL argued that its accrual of the cause of action was suspended during the time when CL applied to the Shenzhen Court for enforcement on 7 July2011, and that time only resumed running on 1 March 2016 when GHPC rejectedCL’s application for retrial of the enforcement proceedings.”)。

对此,香港法院驳回了这一主张,理由是,无论是《安排》、相关《仲裁条例》以及《时效条例》本身,都没有明文规定,仲裁裁决的执行时效不应在仲裁裁决胜诉方申请在内地执行期间继续计算(“there is no express provision in the Arrangement, the relevant Arbitration ordinance, or the ordinance itself, that time limitation for enforcement of an arbitral award should not run during the period when a successful party to an arbitral award applies for enforcement on the Mainland.”)。即使《安排》第2条禁止当事方在两地同时申请执行,但本案当事人CL事实上也可自行终止在内地的执行程序,在相关时效到期前向香港法院申请执行,所以这一主张是站不住脚跟的(“In the meantime, applicants will have to consider withdrawing and procuring determination of a pending application for enforcement on the Mainland, before applying for enforcement in Hong Kong prior to the expiry of the relevant limitation period.”)。


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